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  • 서울사이버대학교 트위터
  • 서울사이버대학교 카카오스토리
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경영학과 사진

세계화 시대에 요구되는비지니스분야의 리더양성

최고의 경쟁력을 갖춘 21C 전문 경영인과 비지니스 리더 양성

변화하는 경영 패러다임과 경영 신조류에 능동적으로 대처할 수 있는 글로벌 비지니스 리더 양성 최신 경영이론의 학습과 미래 지향적인 경영기법 연마 전문경영인으로 구성된 경영 실무 세미나를 통하여 경영현장의 감각과 노하우를 습득

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박아름 교수

주요경력 경희대학교 경영학박사 (경영정보시스템)
담당과목 오퍼레이션관리
교수진소개 상세보기이며 학력, 경력, 주요연구실적, 담당교과목을 나타내는 표입니다.
학력 - 경희대학교 경영학박사 (경영정보시스템)
경력 - 현) 서울사이버대학교 AI서비스마케팅학과 전임교수
- 전) 용인예술과학대학교 조교수
- 전) 경희대학교 빅데이터연구센터 연구교수
- 전) 서울과학기술대학교, 경기대, 단국대학교 강사
- 전) 고려사이버대학교, 경희사이버대학교,서울디지털대학교 강사
- 전) (주)벤플
주요연구실적 [Projects and Grants]
1. 2023.06-2026.05. “Study on development of knowledge graphs for data-driven generation of Korean Wave dance content: Application of character dance technique”, National Research Foundation of Korea, [Project Manager].
2. 2017.09-2021. 02. "Leveraging big data and AI to study the fourth industrial revolution", National Research Foundation of Korea.
3. 2021.04-2021.10. “Development and Operation of an Educational Program to Nurture Talent for Bigdata”, Korea Data Agency, Ministry of Science and ICT, [Project Assistant and Lecturer, Data Analysis using R].
4. . 2019.04-2019.09. “Development and Operation of an Educational Program to Nurture Talent for Bigdata”, Korea Data Agency, Ministry of Science and ICT, [Grand Prize Winner, Project Assistant and Lecturer, Data Analysis using R and Data visualization using Tableau].
5. 2018.05-2018.09. “Development and Operation of an Educational Program to Nurture Talent for Big data”, Korea Data Agency, Ministry of Science and ICT, [Project Assistant and Lecturer, Data Analysis using R and Data visualization using Tableau].
6. 2014.12-2017.08. "Big data research centered on Homanitas", National Research Foundation of Korea.

- "Use of internet-of-things for sustainable art businesses: Action research on smart omni-channel service", Sustainability (indexed in SSCI), role: sole author, 2023.
- "Examining AI and systemic factors for improved chatbot sustainability", Journal of Computer Information Systems (indexed in SCIE), role: primary author, 2023.
- "The impact of autonomous virtual work environments on job satisfaction and organizational effectiveness", APJIS (indexed in SCOPUS), role: corresponding author, 2023.
- "Art-Tech performance case study for 'the Korean Wave' business growth", The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology (indexed in KCI), author role: first author, 2023.
- "A study on the creative process of creative ballet through motion capture technology", The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology (indexed in KCI), author role: primary author, 2023.
- "The effects of mobile accommodation app quality perception on continual use intention through expectation confirmation and satisfaction", The International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology (indexed in KCI), author role: first author, 2023.
- "Comparative analysis of low fertility policy and the public perceptions using Text-Mining methodology", Journal of Digital Convergence (indexed in KCI), author role: corresponding author, 2021.
- " Structural power of platform business and regulatory policy changes: focusing on ‘Coupang’", Journal of Regulation Studies (indexed in KCI), author role: corresponding author, 2021.
- "Blockchain technology and application", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information (indexed in KCI), author role: co- author. 2021.
- "Why sometimes the largest SNS cannot sustain themselves?", Sustainability, MDPI AG, 공저, 2020.
- "A Trend of Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare", 한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 한국콘텐츠학회, 교신저자, 2020.
- "Trend of Technology in Video Surveillance System", 컴퓨터정보학회, 공저, 2020.
- "Healthcare service analysis using big data", 컴퓨터정보학회, 주저자, 2020.
- "Application of AI based Chatbot Technology in the Industry", 컴퓨터정보학회, 주저자, 2020.
- "A Study on the Industrial Application of Image Recognition Technology", 한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 한국콘텐츠학회, 교신저, 2020.
- "Business Model Innovation for IoT Service", , Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information and Technology (indexed in SCOPUS), author role: first author, 2019.
- "How to Sustain Smart Connected Hospital Services: An Experience from a Pilot Project on IoT-based healthcare Services", Healthcare informatics research, Korean Society of Medical Informatics , 공저, 2018.
- "Customer-Driven Smart and Sustainable Interactions in Conventions: The Case of Nestl?’s Smart Button Adoption", Sustainability, MDPI AG, 공저, 2017.
- "Action Research on Development and Application of Internet of Things Services in Hospital", Healthcare informatics research, Korean Society of Medical Informatics, 공저, 2017.

- "더미를 위한 디지털 마케팅", 시그마북스, 박아름·고동우역, 2018.
담당교과목 생성형AI마케팅전략 , 오퍼레이션관리 , AI로봇과챗봇서비스
상기 콘텐츠 담당부서 교무팀 (Tel : 02-944-5224)


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