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  • 서울사이버대학교 페이스북
  • 서울사이버대학교 트위터
  • 서울사이버대학교 카카오스토리
  • 서울사이버대학교 카카오톡
  • 서울사이버대학교 네이버밴드
  • SNS공유 닫기

Painting & Crafts Studies

Major Overwiew

With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, understanding of visual images has become even more important. Likewise, people of all ages are taking more interest in artistic activities amid the economic development. As such, in the 21st Century, practice and studies of image literacy are becoming an essential task for modern people.

This course provides practical, open, and creative education to help students be able to cope with new cultures of the new era through inter-disciplinary convergence, systematic learning focusing on theory and practice. We also strive to provide the best possible cyber education environment for people of all ages.

We concentrate on the development of esthetic sense and creativity applicable to people’s daily lives through the integration of curricula related to function, skills, and esthetic quality. The well-experienced faculty members help students make works considering their taste and aptitude.

Purposes and Objectives of Education

  • Train future-oriented artists playing the leading role in culture exchanges and convergence
  • Train professional people of culture and artists with positive mindset and creativity who can lead others in the world stages of art and culture
  • Train global-minded human resources who meet the requirements related to multicultural characteristics and international safety management

Career Opportunities upon Graduation

  • They can engage in various areas both on and offline including professional artists, fine arts-related sectors of the industry, arts education institutions, and cultural centers. They can also further their studies at a graduate school or develop their career as practical artists. After finishing a graduate course in art history, esthetics, science of arts, or art therapy, they can find a job at an art gallery, a museum, a medical care institution, etc. They can also find a job as a teacher at a secondary school after obtaining a teacher’s certificate.
  • Types of professions: professional artists, fine arts-related sectors of the industry, workers at arts education institutions, instructors of cultural centers, graduate school, curator, fine art restorer, art therapist at a medical care institution, rehabilitator, teacher at a secondary school


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