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Capacity Building on Remote Education for Lao PDR

ICT and e-Learning Training Program for Education Experts from NCPD


  • Title: (Capacity Building on Remote Education for Lao PDR
  • Period: 2014~2016
    • 1st Training Session: 19th October, 2014 ~ 1st November 2014/ 14 days
  • Participants: 22
  • Qualification
    • Recommended by the Mistry of Education and Sports of Lao PDR and received permission from KOICA
    • Contribute to national capacity for distance learning and work for related field after the training
    • Available to take training in English



  • The importance of developing the field of e-learning on the recipient nation

    With the goal of establishing [ICT Policy for Education] by the end of 2014, Laos Ministry of Education and Sports has formed a Policy Development Committee with the vice minister spearheading it, while creating a dedicated ICT center to build the policy and the supporting system. They are also looking for a successful advanced form of Educational Informatization as a benchmark.

    Also, despite establishing the necessary infrastructure for Educational Informatization through support from Thailand government (establishing e-learning centers within the lab) and concessional loan from China (educational ICT center at the capital and other places), the reality is that there’s a huge lack of personnel necessary to operate such center. This is why developing and nurturing new experts on the field is absolutely vital.

    In short, to close the gap in education between those in the city and those in the farms, provide a better opportunity for the children of the minorities currently not exposed to advanced form of education, and provide a solution for an increase in literacy among adults, a reformed cyber educational system is important for this country, both for short-term and long-term. For Laos Ministry of Education and Sports to address that, a training program that helps establish policies and system for cyber education.

  • Korea’s progress report on domestic e-learning and its current international status

    Just 40 years ago, Korea was considered one of the poorest countries in the world, but with the help of ODA and financial support, Korea was able to make unprecedented financial success, and in late 2009, became powerful enough to become a member OECD DAC.

    This has made Korea one of the outstanding examples other nations referred to as the success story for financial growth and success.

    With the continuous international cooperation on APEC e-learning training program, along with winning the 2007 UNESCO King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa Prize for its cyber home learning system, other countries used Korea as the benchmark for their development of cyber learning, while also making overtures for sharing our accrued knowledge on the matter,but the collaboration remained on the surface level, consulting for the sake of diagnosis on the status of the receiving nation’s education system and accruing necessary statistics for better diagnosis.

    Providing a full, total support of the receiving nation would involve localizing our whole system and process to the nation, but right now those entrances have been limited to providing support for the technological sectors of the system. In order to provide full support, we have to provide them in all three dimensions, financial (hardware and software), human resources, and informational resources, as well as receive necessary support from the receiving nation in terms of policies and laws to create a business that is ripe for success.

    The government has made efforts to share accrued knowledge of educational informatization on the domestic market that began in the early part of the new millennium to promote Korea’s greatness in the e-learning industry, while also helping close the gap in the quality of e-learning for other developing nations. Korea has recently expanded its advanced ICT-fused educational informatization to foreign nations, providing support for ICT infrastructure as well as the Ministry of Education and Metropolitan and Provincial Offices of Education providing instructors to educate those nations. Also, with the nature of education business being such that it always starts off with collaborative work from governments of the involved nation, once the infrastructure is in place, the private enterprises then enter the foray by helping establish the network, solution, system, and contents.

    The Ministry of Education and Metropolitan and Provincial Offices of Education have joined forces in providing necessary components of e-learning infrastructure such as PC, laptops, and projectors to developing nations since 2005, and provided training for instructors, with seventeen Metropolitan and Provincial Offices of Education linked to developing nations. The support for e-learning training has grown to a total of 21 nations involving 3,500 people by June of 2013, and it provides continuous communication channel between Korea and the involving nations, establishing a basis for an organic form of collaboration in the process.


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