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This is a notice from Seoul Cyber University.

Successful Completion of the 25th Overseas Historical and Cultural Exploration
Dt 2023.11.24 Hit 41
Successful Completion of the 25th Overseas Historical and Cultural Exploration
- Historical and Cultural Experience in Vietnam from November 16th (Thu) to 20th (Mon)

[Photo] School's 25th History Exploration Team Commemorative Picture

Our university is proud to offer the Overseas Historical and Cultural Exploration program, which aims to enhance literary and artistic literacy and promote the competency of global citizens through an understanding of diverse cultures. This flagship initiative allows enrolled students to explore cultural landscapes abroad and experience excellence in various institutions.

The 25th Overseas Historical and Cultural Exploration unfolded in Nha Trang and Dalat, Vietnam, spanning from November 16th (Thursday) to November 20th (Monday). A group of 23 enrolled students and university representatives, aspiring for personal growth, actively participated in this initiative. Students, engaged in the program, explored different regions of Vietnam, cultivating a myriad of skills related to the country's rich culture.

The 25th Overseas Historical and Cultural Exploration marks a significant milestone by allowing participants to explore a diverse range of countries such as Japan, China, Cambodia, Australia, the Philippines, Uzbekistan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam, Russia, Taiwan, Mongolia, and others. These visits aim to enrich the participants' global perspective by providing insights into the history of each country and promoting international interactions with local communities.President Lee Eun-joo hopes that the overseas historical and cultural exploration will broaden participants' horizons and offer an opportunity to enhance their international perspectives. She emphasized, 'Our university is committed to maximizing the global competencies of students, relentlessly pursuing the development of world-class leaders through diverse curricula.'.


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