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Seoul Cyber University event.

Hosting an online special lecture on child welfare major and skill enhancement
Dt 2024.02.15 Hit 14
Hosting an online special lecture on child welfare major and skill enhancement
- February 17th (Sat) from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM

In the pursuit of enhancing students' competency in child welfare based on human rights, a special lecture will be held on February 17th (Sat), via an online platform. The session titled '14% Eligibility: Child Rights and Social Welfare Practice' will be conducted. Esteemed Professor Lim, an authority in child welfare studies, will delve into the significance of human rights.

Registration is open until February 15th (Thursday) via the Child Welfare Major website (https://scuchild.iscu.ac.kr/index.asp). Through this lecture, participants will explore the changing dynamics between children and society by examining historical and current cases. By connecting these changes with the values of social welfare and the role of social workers, attendees will be able to explore practical methods for realizing children's rights in everyday life through real-life examples.

Dean Im Se-hee of the College of Social Welfare stated, ‘’I hope this special lecture will allow participants to experience human rights and children's rights more tangibly, and also bring them closer to understanding the role and perspective of social workers.’’


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