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Seoul Cyber University event.

Completion of Special Lecture on Unification Security Studies and 'Designing Unification Security Lectures and Teaching Methods’
Dt 2024.02.21 Hit 128
Completion of Special Lecture on Unification Security Studies and 'Designing Unification Security Lectures and Teaching Methods’
-Held on the 17th (Saturday) at Room 206 in Building B on our campus  

On February 17th (Saturday) from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., the Department of Unification, Security and North Korean Studies hosted a special lecture titled 'Designing Unification Security Lectures and Teaching Methods' as part of its Empowerment Program. The event took place at Room 206 in Building B on our campus.

This special lecture featured Professor Park Yoon-suk from the International Cyber University presenting on 'Designing Unification Security Lectures and Teaching Techniques,' followed by our university's student body president, Heo Eun-seo, discussing 'Non-nuclear, Peace, Prosperity on the Korean Peninsula,' and concluded with 'Ethnicity and Me,' a presentation by our fellow student, An Ok-kyung, who served as a lieutenant in the North Korean Navy's West Sea Fleet.

The special lecture was held both online and offline for current and new students. After its conclusion, 'Guiding Stone Learning Support,' was offering an opportunity to learn practical study methods such as PC utilization and exam preparation for academic purposes.

Lee Ji-young, the head of the Department of Unification, Security and North Korean Studies, expressed her hopes that through this special lecture, attendees will have the opportunity to acquire various methods and tips for designing lecture content and delivering effective instruction in the field of 'Unification and Security.' She stated, 'I hope this special lecture will serve as an opportunity for participants to learn different approaches and tips on how to design lecture content and deliver it effectively to the students.


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