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Seoul Cyber University event.

Successful AI Concert by Jung Wonseok: ‘What destination awaits us on the path of life?’
Dt 2024.04.04 Hit 346
Successful AI Concert by Jung Won-seok: ‘What destination awaits us on the path of life?’
- On March 30th (Saturday) at 14:00, held at Building A, 4th floor, Tchaikovsky Hall on campus
- Spreading Hope and Courage to Students Through 'AI Concert’ 

[Photo] Jung Won-seok: ‘What destination awaits us on the path of life?’

On March 30th (Saturday) at 2 p.m., the Big Data AI Center successfully organized Jung Won-seok's AI Concert ‘What destination awaits us on the path of life?' at Tchaikovsky Hall on the 4th floor of Building A on campus.

Jung Won-seok, an AI entertainer, and presently a professor in our university's AI Department, is instructing the course 'Reinforcement Learning and Contemporary AI' during the 2024 academic year, alongside his role as HISS's representative.

Jung Won-seok's AI Concert initiative commenced in 2023 as a facet of volunteer efforts in Indonesia, with the noble aim of propagating high-quality AI education to the masses. The recent concert hosted at our university marks his second endeavor.

Jung Won-seok's AI Concert, titled ‘What destination awaits us on the path of life?’ creatively delivered complex AI knowledge to the public, built upon his experiences as a university student, developer, researcher, and startup leader. Beyond AI education, the concert showcased innovative works fueled by AI, addressing the ever-evolving world and fostering a mindset conducive to adaptation. The primary objective of this concert is to empower students with hope and courage to seize new opportunities.

The concert provided a creative experience where attendees used AI tools to explore answers to their own questions, and through various media such as songs, videos, and images, they could indirectly experience AI art.

Jung Won-seok voiced, 'It appears that many are feeling apprehensive about the evolution of AI technology. Through AI concerts, I aspire to convey intricate AI knowledge in an accessible and enjoyable manner, providing the audience with hope and courage. Let's endeavor to shape new opportunities collectively.
Jung Won-seok's AI concert is anticipated to play a significant role as a new form of content that combines education and entertainment, helping the public increase their understanding of AI and adapt to the rapidly changing world.

On the other hand, the Big Data AI Center, which organized Jung Won-seok's AI concert, was established in 2020 to enhance the capabilities of faculty and students in big data and artificial intelligence, as well as to improve work efficiency based on big data and AI. Since its establishment, the center has been hosting programming competitions in collaboration with the Department of Big Data and Information Security from 2022. From 2024 onwards, efforts have been made to promote the dissemination and integration of big data and AI fields in collaboration with the Departments of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Information Security, and AI Creators.


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