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Seoul Cyber University event.

Stockholm University: Special Lecture & Workshop on Internetbased Psychological Treatment
Dt 2017.12.09 Hit 4395


On the 9th of December 2017, Professor Per Carlbring of the department of Psychology from Stockholm University visited Seoul Cyber University (SCU) to give a special lecture on internet-based psychological treatment.  

Professor Carlbring’s special lecture was mainly designed to introduce the usage of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT) to the faculty and students at SCU by showcasing the instances of ICBT in the possible mental treatment.

Lecture on ICBT is significantly relevant to the department of Counseling Psychology at SCU, which is also providing the psychological education in online platform. As students at SCU are exposed to the knowledge and practical experience in the field of psychology, the potential patients may likewise receive the similar information during their treatment. And most importantly, both Psychology lectures at SCU and ICBT are taking place on the internet, or the online space.

The spatial benefit of internet is greatly valued for the online psychological education at SCU and the ICBT. Professor Carlbring acknowledged that the ICBT had enabled to avoid the unnecessary production of physical materials, such as print-outs and so forth, for ICBT is run on a single system to include the required information at one place. Similarly, it was the online platform which enabled students from SCU to share the lecture materials one another almost simultaneously.

Professor Carlbring expressed his opinion that SCU had the state-of-art technology in the online platform. Perhaps, the online technology combined with the psychological education could lead to the development of ICBT. In continuation of his special lecture, Professor Carlbring is planning to convene the jointly research project with the faculty at SCU to examine the possibility of psychological education in the online platform.

Previously, the prominent scholars from Stockholm University visited SCU even since SCU and Stockholm had signed the Memorandum of Mutual Understanding (MoU) in 2004. In particular, Professor Anders Bergmark paid his vist at SCU in 2009 to share his viewpoint on the mental health. Over the last decade, SCU and Stockholm University had worked together to tackle the issue of the mental illness in the fast changing world of the new 21st century.  



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