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Seoul Cyber University event.

The Department of Global Trade and Logistics is hosting a special lecture on '2023 Global Economic and International Trade Outlooks and Response'
Dt 2023.01.05 Hit 69
The Department of Global Trade and Logistics is hosting a special lecture on '2023 Global Economic and International Trade Outlooks and Response'
- Jan 14th (Sat) 3:00 PM: Special lecture by Dr. Sang Hyun Cho, Director of KITA's International Trade and Economic Research Institute

 [Photo] Special Lecture in the Department of Global Trade and Logistics: '2023 Global Economic and International Trade Outlooks and Response Challenges'

As the upcoming new year brings unprecedented attention to the outlook of the global economy, the Department of Global Trade and Logistics at our university is organizing a special lecture on January 14th (Saturday) at 3:00 PM. This lecture will delve into the 2023 global economic and international trade outlooks and response challenges, providing an opportunity to understand the trends and directions in the global economy.

This special lecture, under the theme '2023 Global Economic and International Trade Outlooks and Response Challenges,' will be conducted with Dr. Sang Hyun Cho, Director of the International Trade and Economic Research Institute at the Korea International Trade Association, as the invited speaker. All current students, new admissions, and prospective students of our university are eligible to apply.

The Department of Global Trade and Logistics at our university aims to foster proactive 'Global Trade and Logistics Professionals.' To achieve this goal, we have established an educational system that incorporates comprehensive practical knowledge necessary for trade transactions, insights into global business management required to navigate the global market environment, and the knowledge and practical aspects of logistics and distribution that drive it. Notably, we have collaborated with the Korea International Trade Association's Trade Academy to introduce the first and foremost integrated education program in Korea, the 'Trade and Logistics Master' course. This program is designed as an industry-academia cooperative model to cultivate experts in the fields of trade and logistics. The curriculum covers integrated education across trade, global management, and logistics distribution, along with courses focusing on digital applications such as platforms, big data, and e-commerce, in response to the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Additionally, to enhance practical skills, we invite industry experts to provide special lectures on the latest industry trends and consulting through the Trade and Logistics Academy. We also offer a Certification Intensive Course, which includes online and offline lectures, providing benefits to our current students.


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