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Seoul Cyber University event.

SCU and Stockholm University Collaborative Research Published in SCOPUS Journal
Dt 2020.08.26 Hit 13

SCU and Stockholm University Collaborative Research Published in SCOPUS Journal

- Joint Research on Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Conducted Since 2018

- The academic journal Cogent Psychology Volume 7 Issue 1 published in SCOPUS


[Photo] Seoul Cyber University and Stockholm University professors are taking a commemorative photo. (From left) Lee Woo Kyung, Han Su Mi, Alexander Rozental, Per Carlbring, Kim Hyun Jin, Kim Hwan (professors)


Our university's joint research with Stockholm University in Sweden has been included in SCOPUS, a world-renowned international academic journal.


SCOPUS is a citation indexing database covering all academic fields, with the world's largest collection of academic journals (180,000 titles) included. Journals indexed in SCOPUS are recognized by the Korea Research Foundation at a level equivalent to SCI indexed journals, and they are considered as important criteria for evaluating research capabilities in domestic university research level assessments and research foundation support evaluations.


Seoul Cyber University has been conducting research on internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy in collaboration with Stockholm University in Sweden since 2018 in preparation for the untact era. Research is being conducted in various areas such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, trauma, and procrastination. Among these, a study evaluating procrastination, which involves delaying tasks or duties, and assessing the procrastination tendencies of Koreans, has been published in the SCOPUS-indexed academic journal, Cogent Psychology Volume 7 Issue 1.


The members of the collaborative research team include professors from the Department of Counseling Psychology at Seoul Cyber University: Kim Hwan, Kim Hyun Jin, Lee Woo Kyung, and Han Su Mi, as well as Professor Per Carlbring from Stockholm University in Sweden and Professor Alexander Rozental from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. Based on the outcomes of this research, Seoul Cyber University plans to support and proceed with incremental research, such as establishing a platform for providing online-based education and psychological services.


President Lee EunJoo stated, "The inclusion of our research in the SCOPUS journal is a significant achievement resulting from the collaboration between Seoul Cyber University and Stockholm University." She further added, "Our university will continue to solidify its position as a leading educational institution through exchange and research collaborations with the prestigious Stockholm University in various fields."



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